Free your mind and heart- Become your greatest self
Having an experienced Practitioner work with you on your health journey is invaluable. Let us help to speed up your journey, and make sure you are on the right path. We will help you understand exactly what is causing your health issues; and how to fix the problems at the root cause. Without some guidance, your detoxification journey can feel overwhelming. So, having a practitioner to connect the dots for you will provide you with clarity as to what the underlying causes of your health issues are. You will also benefit from clear guidelines on what to eat, be able to have all your questions answered, and overcome any barriers of confusion or fear. We want to help you feel motivated, inspired and confident. Let’s walk the path to “Wellville” together.
— 2 Hour Personal Health Consultation to understand the causal factors behind your health issues, and what is required for remedy (usually $275, save $50!).
— Full 14 Week Personalized Herbal Protocol based on your Consultation (does not include cost of herbal formulas).
– Comprehensive dietary advice and guide for the entirety of the program.
Are you looking for a wellness plan that is made just for you?
Do you want to learn wellness skills that can help you feel better?
The Nurture Healing Personalized Wellness Support Program is for those who are ready to commit to their wellness and are looking to make a positive impact in their health with individualized support and clear, practical tools that can help.
Feeling better is about reconnecting to simple truths that help you align with the things that can help create greater wellness.
Personalized wellness sessions with Angelique are a way to learn how to use the five pillars of wellness: mindfulness, food, relaxation, movement, and joy. These pillars of wellness are powerful ways that you can help yourself feel better and gain a greater sense of balance in your body, mind, and spirit.
In standardized health care, the typical approach is to focus on illness and illness treatment. This illness-based approach may be necessary in many conditions, however, there is often more that you can do to simultaneously cultivate greater wellness and healing in your body. Treatments are something you receive. Wellness is something that you cultivate.
In the Personalized Nurture Healing Wellness Support Program you will have the opportunity to learn and practice skills that can enhance your wellness and support your body's ability to heal. The wellness skills used in this program are drawn from the fields of lifestyle medicine, functional medicine, preventative medicine, mind-body medicine, and nutrition and these skills are made into an easy to understand, and easy to use format where you can take practical and positive steps to move forward in your wellness. Bodies can often heal when given the proper conditions. This wellness work is about learning how to use scientifically proven techniques and strategies that help you cultivate those conditions that can most effectively promote greater healing.
An initial session will begin with an intake form and going over what you would like to address in your session. We will then proceed to ask your body a series of questions to identify what is the best option for you in terms of therapy. In follow up sessions we will check in to see how your body is responding to the work and fine tune anything that needs to be addressed. The results are powerful and can bring about instant change.
Are you aware of the root causes of your body's ailments? If not, you're just treating the symptoms. Bio-scan technology can take you the rest of the way, helping you learn what's really affecting your body and putting you on a course to change it. Exposure to toxicity and free radicals in the environment is inevitable, and the outcome of that exposure is a negative impact on our health state and longevity. The good news is that it's possible to minimize that impact. First, we must recognize that free radicals are often the cause of condition most people believe are part of normal aging processes. Memory loss, arthritis, skin problems... these and so many other health issues arise from the toxins in our environment. Next, we must discover the root cause of symptoms so that we may respond with nutritional health. The best way to discover the cause is using the Biofeedback Scan, a non- invasive, highly accurate Quantum medical device that measures your circulatory, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive and intestinal systems. Finally, we must act on the bio-scan results. Information can only take you so far. The action we take based on what we learn is the driving force of improved health and a forecast for greater longevity. « less
An Energy Psychology session may include:
Alchemical Hypnotherapy
Guided visualizations
Acupuncture Merdian Therapies
Initial Consultation and Session
90 Minutes- $145
Follow-up Sessions
60 Minutes- $85